-- Clipboard2HTML 1.0
-- This script converts selected or dropped AppleScripts to HTML, when user copies them to the clipboard.
-- Save as "Stay open" application with Script Editor.
-- The Script Editor is not scriptable, but the clipboard is, with standard additions of Mac OS 8.*.
-- Requires styled text editor Style by Marco Piovanelli, <http://www.merzwaren.com> and
-- script "Convert to HTML" by Bill Cheeseman, included in Style distribution. Newer versions of 
-- Script2HTML at <http://www.AppleScriptSourcebook.com>

-- Quick 'n' dirty written by Tuomas Rosberg <vanhentunut>
-- This source code is free and has been placed into the public domain 2000-1-31.
-- This source code is made available in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

on run
   tell application "Finder"
      set theList to selection
      if theList is {} then
         display dialog ¬
            "Please select some scripts to open. " buttons "Sorry" default button 1
         my toHTML(theList)
      end if
   end tell
end run

on open (theList)
   my toHTML(theList)
end open

to toHTML(theList)
   tell application "Finder"
      set theScriptEditor to (application file id "ToyS") --the Script Editor.
      set thisScript to ""
         set thisScript to (get file of me) --file of the application running this script.
      on error
      end try
      set avoidThese to {(theScriptEditor as alias), (thisScript as alias)} --to make it impossible to open it using it:-)
      repeat with x in theList
         if creator type of x is in {"dplt", "aplt", "ToyS"} then -- the creator types of the Script Editor.
            if (x as alias) is not in avoidThese then
               open x using theScriptEditor
            end if
         end if
      end repeat
      set the clipboard to "" -- puts an empty string to the clipboard.
   end tell
end toHTML

on idle
   tell application "Skriptieditori" -- the Script Editor. EDIT THIS!
      set theData to the clipboard -- theData gets current contents of the clipboard.
      set theData to theData as text
      set the clipboard to ""
   end tell
   if theData is "" then
      return 5
   else if theData is not "" then -- the user has copied some text to the clipboard.
      --make a name for a new document
      set delims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
      set theName to text item 2 of theData -- with the commenting conventions of mine, returns the name of the script. EDIT THIS!
      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delims
      tell application "Style"
         make new document with properties {name:theName}
         tell front document
            set selection to theData
            set the clipboard to ""
         end tell
         run script alias "Hupu:Style 1.6 folder:Style Scripts:HTML:Script2HTML" -- EDIT THIS with the location of script "Convert to HTML".
      end tell
   end if
   return 5
end idle